You can pay online for DirectorySpot with a credit card or a check. If you are not sure about how large of a subscription you need, make your best estimate and you can always add more throughout the year. You will receive warning emails if you are getting close to your limit and when you upgrade to the next level, the cost will be pro-rated.
If you are converting from the free trial to the paid version, it is treated as a "renewal."
1. Before your subscription to DirectorySpot expires (you will receive email messages warning you), go to Manage Directory/Subscription.
2. You can renew your subscription anytime before the expiration date, and when you pay, the new date will be September 15th of the following year. So in this example, if you pay in June, July, August, etc. of 2017, the new expiration date will be 9/15/18.
3. Click Renew Subscription. You will get a message showing how much of your current subscription you are using as well as the dates your new subscription will be valid. Click "Checkout."
4. Checkout - Review your order and click "Pay with Card" or "Pay with Check." If you have an Promo Code, you can enter it here and click "Apply Code."
5. If you choose Pay with Card, enter credit card details and click "Purchase.
6. If you choose Pay with Check, enter check details and click "Purchase."